About Pro AI Prompt

Welcome to Pro AI Prompt, where innovation meets imagination to redefine the world of AI prompts. Our story started with a clear vision: to fast-track the creation of AI solutions capable of creating a deep and lasting impact on industries, businesses, and everyday life.


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Our Mission

Our core mission is clear: to harness the potential of artificial intelligence and propel it forward. We believe that AI has the power to solve complex problems, enhance productivity, and drive innovation across various sectors. Through our dedication, expertise, and cutting-edge tools, we aim to be at the forefront of this transformative technology.

Our Vision

At Pro AI Prompt, we envision a world where AI prompts are not just tools, but transformative experiences. Our vision is to be the driving force behind this transformation, pioneering AI solutions that reshape industries and empower individuals.









Our Team

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Angela Charlton

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Renesmee Thomas

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Juanita Moran

Chief AI Officer
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William Haines

Data Anaylytics Lead
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Igor Landry

AI Software Engineer
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Kason Espinosa

ML Engineer / Researcher
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Melissa Teh

Data Engineer
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Axel Farrow

Data Scientist